Image courtesy Strong Moms
I forgot I even had a blog!!
I was looking through links and checking them and found it again. The reason I have been so preoccupied... I'm 18 weeks pregnant!
The pic above shows how developed my baby is right now. Fully formed, just plenty of growing to do.
I've stayed high raw for the whole time and I've not suffered ANY of the usual pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness, excessive tiredness, nausea, stretch marks (yet!), insomnia etc etc... I know it's got everything to do with my nutrition.
Breakfast is usually a fruit smoothie, raw muesli, fresh fruit or an egg with rye toast, lunch is big salad with a whole avo and dinner would be a salad too, lightly steamed veg or legumes. Snacks: nuts, seeds, fruit, dried fruit, water, herbal teas, juices and occasionally the odd piece of carrot cake!
We've decided to go all natural with no ultrasounds, and a drug free home birth. Baby is kicking already every day which reassures me everything is OK. I'm learning how to tune in to my body and trust my instincts, very primal!
Feeling great, loving my new tummy and happy heart.
Congratz !
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