Saturday, May 3, 2008

Little 'ol Me...?

Hey there cyber peeps! I'm no longer a virgin! In blog terms that is... This is my very first post, how exciting!

So you are probably wondering:
  1. Who is this chick?
  2. What is she on about?
  3. Where does she come from?
  4. Why is she so annoying?
  5. How do I be more like her?
Well, the answers my friends are simple.

I'm a self-confessed OCD foodie who has a penchant for dried figs and 80% dark chocolate..... (drools)

I'm out to change the world, one plate at a time! I want people to find real answers to diet and nutrition questions in the fog of media hype. I want YOU to help me find that truth.

From Queensland, Australia, but no slinging off at Aussies! Lived here my whole life, love it.

Annoying, hang on, did I miss something? I thought I was interesting and engaging. If you think I'm annoying better not read any of my posts, they'll only get worse.

The only way you're going to be more like me is practice. Lots of practice.

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