Saturday, September 27, 2008

Week 4 complete!

Photo courtesy Kevin Cherry Art

I can't believe I'm a third of the way through already! I've only got another 8 weeks to go... better get my skates on.

Here's my week 4 results:
Weight -1kg
Bust -2cm
R arm -1.5cm
Waist -1cm
Hips - 0cm (this is always the last spot I lose from)
R thigh - 1.5cm

I'm not concerned by the amount of weight I've lost because I've lost size which means... I've definitely put on muscle! I'm up on all my weights in the gym so things are changing for the better inside. I'm doing 48kgs on the bench press despite a week's set back due to the flu. When I first started weight training (a few months prior) I could hardly lift the bar without popping a vein! Makes me feel so good to see those numbers!

So what have I learned?
  • I can eat like a friggin' horse and get results!
  • Planning. When I plan each day's meals, workouts and work, I can be organised enough so there's no excuses to NOT follow through.
  • I need 8 hours sleep if I want to train at my best and not hate every minute of it!
  • Set small goals each day. Eg: run up the hill, or just to the next lamp post, get to bed by 10pm, go for two more reps!
  • Scales are not an accurate reflection of REAL progress. Muscle weighs heavier than fat.
  • My body is an amazing machine, I can do so much more than I thought possible!
Tomorrow is my 4th free day and I've also learned some strategies to not make it a total write off!
  1. Have what I really want but buy just a portion, not the whole bucket of icecream
  2. Ditto for the champagne! I've been buying mini bottles, so cute yet still full of yummy bubbles
  3. Try to eat well even if you are cheating, keep having 2/3 plate veg, 1/3 protein, even if that protein is battered fish
  4. Drink lots of water to help with the sluggish feeling you seem to get after loading up on junk
I'm actually going to a cheese workshop run by a lady who specialises in permaculture. We're learning how to make cheddar, feta, cottage cheese, brie, yoghurt and kefir. Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea are provided, so it's a good thing it is my free day! Not that I'll be missing my protein snack with all that cheese! It's great because I drink raw milk (straight from the cow to me) and it's hard to find raw cheeses. I'll be able to make my own instead of tearing my hair out ringing every health food shop from here to Coonabarrabran trying to find some! (hehe remember that old Coon cheese ad?)

If you're interested, here's a great site all about raw milk and it's benefits.

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